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Can Cancer Be Prevented?

[Cover of Harvey Diamond's Book]


Cancer rates, especially breast cancer, are increasing every year. For example:

Man has created an environment (as mentioned below) that is causing cancer rate increases to occur every year. Nowadays, everyone is touched by several people they know that fall to this disease. We must all protect ourselves any way we can from this environment that we have created for ourselves.

Harvey Diamond's latest book, You Can Prevent Breast Cancer, devotes about 9 pages to PrimeQuest's unique products, and their importance in our health and the prevention of cancer. The following is posted for your consideration:


Harvey Diamond and Prime 1...

"Prime 1 is certainly a 21st century elixir par excellence, and represents the crowning accomplishment of one of the 20th centuries great scientists."

Harry Diamond's book FIT FOR LIFE, was a runaway success, selling an unbelievable 10.5 million copies, and was eventually translated into 29 languages.

You Can Prevent Breast Cancer (released 2/96) deals with a subject of profound importance, breaking new ground with a program to prevent breast cancer. Also included is a decade of updated health and fitness information first presented in Fit for Life.

Prime 1, specifically endorsed by Harvey Diamond, is the three-year project of PrimeQuest International. His discussion of Prime 1 in You Can Prevent Breast Cancer includes the following excerpts:

"Herbs have been around for centuries and have been acclaimed nature's wonders, but it was Israel Brekhman who, for the first time, did scientific studies to demonstrate that adaptogenic herbs could protect the human being from all types of unfavorable toxic influences. Dr. Brekhman's legacy to the world and human kind is this product, Prime 1... "

"Years of testing this group of herbs on humans and animals revealed that they have general bio-modulating and bio-stimulating affects included in the term "adaptogens", as well as in important specific health protecting actions... "

"Stressors - like toxins, pollutants, oxidants, chemicals in processed foods, radiation, depression and fatigue - are now thought the cause of DNA mutations that produce cancer. Adaptogens are the missing nutrients from nature that protect us from such stressors."

"The frequency of cancer was 3.3 times lower in the animals taking the adaptogen than in controls not given the adaptogen."

"Prime 1 is an all natural mixture of highly tested plant Adaptogens that enhances human resistance to a broad variety of physical, emotional, metabolic and environmental stresses. The natural plant extracts of Prime 1 also contain trace minerals, coenzymes, metabolites, anti-oxidants and vitamins that give it a balance not likely in processed vitamin-mineral tablets."


The following are more detailed abstracts from Harvey Diamond's book, You Can Prevent Breast Cancer.

The following are exerpts taken from the section in Harvey's new book called "Products from the 21st century"

"Over the years, especially since the success of Fit For Life, I have been introduced to numerous products. On occasion, some are so intriguing, so innovative and so ahead of their time, that the immensity of their potential benefit simply cannot be ignored. It gives me a great deal of pleasure to be able to introduce.... Prime 1.

Now, due to my obvious enthusiasm for these products, perhaps your first impulse may be to think I have a vested interest in them or that I am in some way going to benefit financially from their sale. No such arrangement exists. I am in no way financially involved with these products. My one and only interest is an obligation I feel I have to let as many people as possible know that they are available."

"The story of Prime 1

... a most remarkable herbal complex developed by Russian scientists to develop performance superiority for their cosmonauts, their military, and their Olympic athletes. Prime one is an amazing anti- stress product that consists of seven carefully selected "adaptogenic" herbs extracted from virgin Eastern Siberian forests, and formulated as a liquid elixir to be taken two tablespoonfuls daily. So you ask okay, which herbs, what do they do, and who discovered them? What are adaptogens? And what do they have to do with our health and preventing cancer?"

"The final patented formulation created by Dr. Brekhman consists of seven Siberian herbs, the primary one being Eleutherococcus. This phenomenal herbal blend was subsequently found in clinical trials to have surprising synergistic qualities - so that the blend was significantly more effective than any of the single herbs taken alone. Thousands of published research papers have tested and retested the herbs in this amazing formulation. Having more than 500 million dollars in Soviet sponsored research behind it, this project has to be one of the most researched, scientifically sound nutritional supplements in the natural products marketplace."

"Herbs have been around for centuries and have been acclaimed "nature's wonders", but it was Israel Brekhman who, for the first time, did scientific studies to demonstrate that adaptogenic herbs could protect the human being from all types of unfavorable toxic influences. His criteria for any herb finding its way into formulations were that:

1) It must be totally safe and non-toxic, even with prolonged use,

2) It must provide resistance to a wide range of external and internal stresses, and

3) It must provide a restorative, normalizing action on metabolic processes of the body.

Dr. Brekhman's legacy to the world and human kind is this product, Prime 1. Years of testing this group of herbs on humans and animals revealed that they have general bio-modulating and bio-stimulating affects included in the term "adaptogens," as well as important specific help protecting actions. The word "adaptogens" is new to most Americans, but means simply mental substances that people adapt to a wide variety of stresses. Modern civilization has produced an unusually stressful environment to humans, with high demands on our physical and mental abilities.

Within a hundred years we have brought unique new stresses to the human species; physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual stresses have brought on by invention of the automobile, TV, airplanes, computers and by water pollution, air pollution, cigarettes, thousands of man made drugs and chemicals added to our food, our drink, our skin and swallowed for any form of illness. The modern assault on the body and mind is horrific.

From morning until night we consume foods that have been "manufactured," devitaminized, denatured, and bleached (e.g.. white flour, white sugar), then chemically "preserved" and all too often toxic. Whether it is mercury-silver (both extremely toxic to living systems) fillings in our teeth, preserved sandwich meats or sausages in our large bags, or six hours daily of rapid fire violence on television-the assault is real-and deadly to body, mind, and spirit. Alvin & Heidi Toffler describe it in "Future Shock," and tens of thousands of best-selling books try to help us cope, adjust, or tune out."

"But the paramount question for each of us concerned about health is whether we can find a way to reduce, undo ameliorate and buffer the damaging effects of this stress upon our beings. That's precisely what adaptogens are all about. Israel Brekhman and his colleagues tested these plant extracts on large groups of people under physical and mental stress (truck drivers, Russian cosmonauts, computer encoders) and found dramatic improvements in performance (fewer errors, less illness, less accidents and calmer functioning).

Thousands of research papers from laboratories around the world revealed that Eleutherococcus had a wide range of body-strengthening, emotion-modulating, mind clarifying and immune-enhancing properties. Other studies show Eleutherococcus to have an anti-depressant, cardio protective, C. N. S. stimulant, and anti-fatigue properties. But most important to the prevention-of-cancer theme of this book, scientific studies with Eleutherococcus and with other agents in Prime 1 showed impressive evidence that these particular herbs act to protect animals from a variety of cancers. Studies were too numerous and too detailed to outline.. But in breast cancer, uterine cervix cancer, leukemia, endocrine cancer, sarcoma, lung cancer and many others-regular use of these adaptogens markedly reduced initial cancer formation. Stressors-like toxins, pollutants, oxidants, chemicals in processed foods, radiation, depression, and fatigue are now thought the cause of DNA mutations that produce cancer. Adaptogens are the missing nutrients from nature that protect us from such stressors.

Of particular interest was the work of Dementyena and Ogrek from the Thomsky Institute who studied the cancer prevention properties of Rhodiola rosea-one of the adaptogens in Prime 1-in a high cancer risk strain of mice as regards breast cancer. The frequency of cancer was 3.3 times lower in the animals taking the adaptogen than in controls not given the adaptogen. Of similar interests, Gramichaa and co-workers reported that the combination of Eleutherococcus extract plus chemotherapy was more effective than chemotherapy alone, in long term treatment of women with breast cancer.

Other studies with adaptogens have shown immune system enhancement with increases in T-helper lymphocytes and increased cytotoxic T-cell activity against cancer cells. Adaptogens have also demonstrated anit-mutagenic activity and DNA repair capabilities, both essential to preventing breast cancer.

And remember, this substantial list of cancer preventing, health maintaining properties occurs with no known toxic effects or side effects-in stark contrast to the large roster of synthetic drugs about by pharmaceutical manufacturers. It is important to know that PrimeQuest sells this all natural plant product only as a food supplement and makes no claims that it can heal or treat any disease. But it has health-enhancing benefits that Brekhman and dozens of other scientists have described in over 2000 scientific studies.

So in summary, Prime 1 is an all-natural mixture of highly-tested plant Adaptogens that enhances human resistance to a broad variety of physical, emotional, metabolic and environmental stresses. The natural plant extracts of Prime 1 also contain trace minerals, coenzymes, metabolites, antioxidants and vitamins that give it a balance not likely in processed vitamin-mineral tablets.

Prime 1 is certainly a 21st Century elixir par excellence and represents the crowning accomplishment of one of the 20th Century's great scientists. In contrast to most 19th and 20th century scientists whose energies defined the nature and treatment of human disease, Israel Brekhman remains a visionary whose dream to enhance human health and to PREVENT disease- talks to a new generation."


Harvey's book sights many things you can do to prevent Breast Cancer. You Can Prevent Breast Cancer can be ordered directly from the publisher for $19.95 by "Shape Up" is not making any commission on any sales. However, we post this information as people may be interested in this outstanding new book. We also believe it EXTREMELY important that you see first-hand how third party medical professionals are discovering the importance of adaptogens, and endorsing their everyday use for general health and well being.

FOR MORE INFORMATION on PrimeQuest Products, Click on these reports:

Click here to read many testimonials from very happy users!

A Personal Weight Loss Story You MUST Read!

Doctor's Medical journal report Adaptogens: Nature's Answer to Stress

Scientific Research Summary of Adaptogen Benefits

FREQUENTLY Asked Questions

Diabetic Patients' Information

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